
viernes, 8 de agosto de 2014


Currently there are 11,055 active workers in the expansion project of the Panama Canal, most of these are directly employed by the contractor, subcontractors but also generated a large amount of jobs. 

According to figures provided by the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) to February, the expansion project had generated a total of 22,062 direct jobs los11.055 of those assets. 

The contractor has required 13,416 workers, while subcontractors in turn generated 8,646 jobs. 
The increased demand for labor is in the design and construction of the third set of locks, with 11,316 generated and assets which are 9,536 according to the information provided by the press office of the ACP. 

Currently the project is progressing well. According to the latest report as of March 31, the first block of the first gate to the site of the Pacific has been assembled, although you should take into account that each gate has 16 blocks.

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